Create The Flow

Burnout Chasing Money To Ease & Abundance

Monika Freeman Episode 23

From feelings of lack to receiving abundance, this episode will relieve your stress around money and help you attract ease and abundance into your business.

Topics discussed: 

  • How to get unstuck 
  • Living intentionally 
  • Feeling worthy 
  • Grounding yourself 
  • Trusting your intuition 
  • Attracting abundance 








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Burnout Chasing Money To Ease & Abundance

Welcome to create the flow, a podcast to enlighten, inspire, and encourage other entrepreneurs to create their rhythm process and unique success story. Why go with the flow when you can create your own.

[00:00:21] Hi everyone. Welcome back. My name is Monika Freeman and I am the CEO and founder of Monika Freeman Studios. We are an innovative and luxury brand and creative agency. I am also your host for this podcast. Hello, hello, everybody. I am excited for this episode, mostly because I am just really happy to be back to podcasting regularly.

[00:00:44] I took this like really long hiatus during a transition phase where I was working on a lot of things and getting some certifications and doing things that I can't wait to share with you guys that will be in the near future. But anyway, I was taking some time for [00:01:00] myself to evolve my business in that.

[00:01:04] God, it's been so rewarding. And so I think I just wake up every single day really elated. And I just want to bring that energy through this microphone to you. So just know that I am sending you so much positive energy, love, light, and abundance. With that, today we are going to be discussing what it's like to go from burnout, chasing money because we all hate to chase, to the ease and attraction of abundance.

[00:01:32] So, specifically in this episode, we're going to dive into the energetics behind attracting abundance and that ease into your life every day, because who wants to feel overwhelmed and stuck? I was inspired to share this episode because I built a multi six figure business in a little more than a year of launching.

[00:01:51] Which for me, honestly, I don't like to talk numbers that often because I don't think money is the root of a business. But for me, there is this element [00:02:00] of money involved because I grew up in a middle class family where my mother made a lot of sacrifices for us and I felt like it was my duty in life. To give back, to give back to women like her, even men that were in the same situation as her, but to provide for other people and to build a legacy for my family and contribute to generational wealth so I could set my family up for the future and I could help other people do the same.

[00:02:27] So that is just something I'm extremely passionate about. So when I say I built a multi six figure business, I'm not putting that out there to brag. I'm putting that out there because I was really, really impressed with myself not having any experience and then being able to reach that level within less than a year and a half of launching my business.

[00:02:46] So I was so convinced that within that second year of business, I was going to reach seven figures. I honestly burned myself out so badly. I didn't reach my goal that year, as you've obviously figured out. And I wasn't even disappointed because [00:03:00] when you burn yourself out and it affects your health, you Money could never replace your health.

[00:03:05] So at that point, you're not even thinking about money anymore. You're starting to think about other things. And that's when I realized chasing money is always going to end uncomfortably because money is never the goal. It's honestly the freedom that money affords all of us. And that's why we want to seek this ease and abundance.

[00:03:24] As an entrepreneur, it can be a little difficult because we see hustle culture and we think if we're not doing something fast enough, we're not going to succeed. It's so easy to hop on social media and see other people living what we want to have as our dream life. What people don't talk about as often as I wish they would is, to be great in business, you guys, you have to feel great.

[00:03:43] It's the same in life. If you don't feel good about yourself, you're not going to show up as your best self. To be great in business, you have to feel great. But if you're constantly operating at 50 percent or less, then you're unable to perform at your highest level. There's a quote that I've always loved by the Dalai Lama, [00:04:00] and that quote is, he was asked basically about humanity.

[00:04:03] And his response to humanity was, Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money, then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health, And then he's so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present. The result being that he does not live in the present or the future. He lives as if he's never going to die.

[00:04:25] And then he dies having never really lived. Just take a minute to digest that because that is so powerful to me. Several years ago, before I ever had a career, when I was still working in a 9 to 5, there was a point in time where I didn't have health insurance. So I would have to go to work, no matter what the weather conditions were, no matter how sick I was, and I can remember one Christmas, I was sick for two weeks, and everybody was out of the office, they all had health insurance, but I was on a one year contract with this company, and I was young, I was straight out of college, and I was literally coughing up a lung in the [00:05:00] office, and it was snowing, it was cold, and rainy, and it was awful, and nobody was there, I don't even remember if the lights were on in the building, I swear I was, I was there just to be sick.

[00:05:08] But I remember thinking, this is not a way to live. I am sick as ever, I can't afford to go to the hospital, and I can't take the time off. So that quote really sticks with me because I think a lot of people stay stuck, and I want to get you out of that. If you aren't living with intention and purpose, it does not matter how much you do, or how much money you make, or how fast you make that money, you're eventually going to burn out.

[00:05:35] And right now, if you do feel like you're in that place of burnout, where you are lacking because the money isn't coming in and you don't maybe see a way to create that ease and abundance for yourself and your business, then these four tips that I'm going to give you are going to We'll help you get relief and they're going to get you back on track.

[00:05:50] Before we can talk about these tips, I want you to make a list of all the things that are making you feel stuck in this moment right now, what's holding you back, what's keeping you feeling [00:06:00] stressed or overwhelmed. So you can pause this episode or you can make that list as I'm discussing these tips, but at some point I want you to make that list and as you write your list, I want you to be really honest with yourself.

[00:06:12] No matter how it feels when you're writing it or what it looks like when you reread it, I just want you to make that list. And while you're creating that list, make a space for yourself to release any emotions that you're feeling in that moment. Because this list is neutral. Everything you write on that list is neutral.

[00:06:31] This is a safe space. It's okay. Whatever you're feeling about yourself, just put it out there. The reason why we're doing this exercise first is because I want you to release the energy of feeling stuck and welcome energetics of abundance. But in order to do that, you first need to build trust with your intuition.

[00:06:48] And in order to build trust with your intuition, you have to uncover what your intuition is telling you. Your burnout or the feelings of being stuck is your body's way of communicating with you right [00:07:00] now and alerting you that something's not right. So once you have your list, I want you to join me for this next part where we're going to talk about the four tips that are going to give you some relief.

[00:07:10] Tip number one is to identify the challenges that you're experiencing. So the first thing that I want you to do is look at the number one thing you wrote down on your list that's bringing you the greatest resistance. And then I want you to look at the other things, but let's start with the number one thing that's affecting you.

[00:07:25] And start by asking yourself these two questions. The first question is, Why is this making me feel stuck? Really get serious about that. Why is this making me feel stuck? The second question is, Is this an emotional, mental, or physical challenge that I'm experiencing? If the thing that's causing you burnout is an emotional challenge, like feelings of fear, worry, self doubt, anxiety, Or any other negative emotions.

[00:07:54] These emotions can be resolved by practicing shadow work, listening to meditations and [00:08:00] journaling. All of these exercises will help you reflect on your thoughts to get to the core of what's holding you back. I always like to take a scan of my body when I'm experiencing burnout, because like I said, our bodies speak to us.

[00:08:11] So really do that scan of your body and see What's happening internally. If the emotion that is causing you burnout is a physical emotion, experimenting with exercises like yin yoga, that's one of my favorites, breathwork and muscle relaxation techniques will help you go deeper into your physical pain.

[00:08:30] to release physical tension that will help you unblock these emotions. Everyone stores emotions in the body and sometimes these emotions can feel like ailments. So stretching through any discomfort you feel or working with breathing exercises that are connected to inner healing will help you relax your parasympathetic nervous system.

[00:08:48] I know that for me, personally, I get on my mat and I do stretches in my, uh, piriformis muscles. That is where I hold a lot of pressure and even in the middle of the night when I [00:09:00] wake up and I feel very tense, or if I ever wake up in the middle of the night stressed, I just do It's sort of like a backward pigeon, but I do these different exercises in my bed to relieve the tension in my thighs, in my hips, because it calms me down almost instantly, and it gives me this sort of relief that always helps me, but, you know, there's different things that work for different people, and if you're experiencing a mental challenge that's been holding you back, Cognitive techniques are a great way to overcome any overthinking and self criticism you feel.

[00:09:31] There's a great book that I read for reframing thoughts and limiting beliefs. Might help you move forward, and that book was called, Retrain Your Brain, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Seven Weeks, and I believe it's by Seth J. Gillihan. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that's who wrote that book. I actually have like three or four cognitive therapy books, but that one I think was my favorite because you were able to do it in seven weeks and do the exercises, and it was just really helpful.

[00:09:54] You're welcome. Just keep in mind, you guys, your mindset is the foundation of your business. So attracting ease and [00:10:00] abundance is going to start with your mindset. And we really have to focus on the programming of that to be great in business. Tip number two is core values. I'm literally going to drop this in every single episode because I think in life and business, the key is always core values.

[00:10:17] As long as you're in alignment with your values, you're always doing what you feel is right to build a strong business. You have to be clear about your core values. I know I've said that on every episode. So if this is your 20th time listening to me or 50th, or who knows how many times you've listened to me, you've probably heard this on every episode.

[00:10:36] I apologize, but honestly, I swear by it. Core values, it's key. Because when you know your core values, you work with intention daily. For example, if one of your core values is authenticity, because that is one of my core values, then everything you do in your business should be led with authenticity.

[00:10:54] You're going to want to choose clients who are aligned with your business, and if you're partnering with brands, you want to make sure that [00:11:00] you pick brands who share similar core values. Even the copy on your website should reflect your genuine self. It should be who you are at your core, and what you believe in.

[00:11:09] And your brand aesthetic should be authentic to you. Not a replication of something somebody else is doing. We're not choosing colors and copy and imagery that looks like somebody else's. We're choosing what is authentic to us. So getting really serious about those core values. That is probably my first thing, but honestly, a mindset is way more important and then comes your core values.

[00:11:30] So a business is built from a growth mindset and core values before anything. Everything else comes second. Just remember that core values and growth mindset are huge. Tip number three is limiting beliefs. I feel like we are talking about this one a lot lately, too. And that's just because the more clients I work with, the more I realize so many people have false beliefs, false narratives that are keeping them from pursuing their goals.

[00:11:56] And this tip sort of piggybacks on tip number one, but it falls into its [00:12:00] own category because limiting beliefs are the single biggest killer of dreams. And the crazy thing is, is they're fake. They are fake. Most of the time, they are just bad programming. There are all kinds of thoughts in our minds.

[00:12:14] Things that tell you, I can never do this, I'm not worthy of this, I don't have enough resources, I will be judged, it's too late, I don't deserve this, I won't make any money, and all the other things that you tell yourself to keep yourself from doing it. And all of these false beliefs just keep you from pursuing your dreams.

[00:12:31] Who wants to live a life with false beliefs? I mean, by becoming aware of your limiting beliefs and getting to the root of them, you're gonna have a better understanding of what's keeping you from moving forward, that thing that is causing you burnout right now, the thing that makes you feel like you're lacking in life, the thing that keeps you stressed.

[00:12:50] I'm not gonna lie. We all have limiting beliefs. I've had to work through mine. Everybody has theirs. They could be something that have been with you since [00:13:00] childhood. They could have stemmed from young adult life. You know, they come at different points in time, but it's up to you to break them. Only you have the power to do that.

[00:13:10] People are naturally hardwired to go straight to the negative because our monkey brains want to protect us. But these limiting beliefs, whether they're from your childhood, or societal pressures, or just any negative thoughts that you've programmed over time, have to be rewritten. I know I've worked through my own, so I'm not downplaying how easy it is to rewrite your narrative and work through these beliefs because as long as you allow them to affect your self esteem and your decision making, then your overall happiness is going to be compromised because you're going to continue to hold yourself back.

[00:13:40] So, really work on reframing any limiting beliefs that you have and choose the narrative that you want to create because you are in control of creating your peace and your ease. That was one of the biggest lessons I learned in my life was how to choose what was right for me. What was aligned with me, so that I could live in [00:14:00] a place of ease and not chaos.

[00:14:02] And I want you to feel the same way. When you believe that you can become unstuck at any time in your current reality, and that it's safe to trust yourself, and that what you feel internally is good, it's all gonna work out, exactly as it's supposed to because things always work out. Then that's when you get to release the limitations that are holding you back.

[00:14:21] Things just start to flow more effortlessly. When you realize that your actions create your reality. And how you can change your narrative and you really work on those habits. Man, is it a game changer? It really has been for me. So show up as your highest energetic self and let go of those limiting beliefs that you're carrying with you.

[00:14:41] Because when you do, you're going to start to attract abundance and that abundance is going to be effortless. Tip number four is grounding. To attract abundance to you, you need to be grounded in a practice that centers you. Everybody has a different practice. This can look like faith, yoga, tai chi, meditations, nature, or any type of [00:15:00] exercise that brings you back to yourself.

[00:15:02] That's the goal here. We want to get back to ourself because reacting before thinking has this impact of negative energy Which is why it's good to create habits that help clear your energy and get you focused so that you can control your reactions daily. The more you start to ground yourself, the faster you're going to learn to be present.

[00:15:22] And when you're present and business, you're able to build a sustainable business model. Because if you're not grounded, when all those curve balls start to hit you on a day to day basis, because we've all been there, you won't know how to navigate them and you're going to overreact. And that's going to come from a place of negative energy.

[00:15:39] And it's just going to send a very bad vibration out there. So, Utilize these four tips, but be extremely effective with them so that you can free yourself from burnout and attract ease and abundance into your life. I know we've all heard this before, but where your attention goes, your energy flows. So whatever you are thinking right now, make it [00:16:00] positive.

[00:16:00] Think about what you want to attract and envision that it's already happened. And anytime that you're in doubt or you start to feel any type of weakness, go back to your purpose and all the things that you wrote down. And follow these four tips to help guide you. Just to recap, the four tips to avoid burnout and attract abundance and ease into your life are tip number one, identify the challenges that you are experiencing right now.

[00:16:25] Tip number two, work from your core values. Tip number three, work through those limiting beliefs and tip number four, grounding yourself in practices that align with your highest self. I hope these tips helped alleviate any fears, worries, or anxiety you're experiencing in your business so that you can attract abundance into your life.

[00:16:45] Whatever you think about becomes your reality. So focus on embodying your highest self. Thank you so much for listening to this episode. I'm grateful for each and every one of you. I will see you very, very soon.[00:17:00] 

[00:17:03] for listening to this episode of Create The Flow podcast. My name is Monika Freeman, and I hope to inspire you not to go with the flow, but create your own follow along on Instagram and Facebook at Monika Freeman Studios and at Create The Flow podcast on Instagram.